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The universe is made of bits of matter called atoms. They come in all sizes, shapes, and colors, stuck together in all different combinations. Take one oxygen atom and stick it with two hydrogen atoms, and you get H2O - water. Take two oxygen atoms, stick them together, and you get well, oxygen, O2, a gas that is part of the air we breathe. Take another atom of oxygen and stick it to the other two atoms in oxygen - you have ozone, O3.

Ozone is unstable, chemically reactive, and able to interact and even destroy all forms of organic (living) matter, including bacteria, molds, and viruses.

In Europe ozone has been used for 100 years in various medical treatments, but especially to control infections. There is also evidence that it supports and boosts the immune system. Cancer patients may also benefit from it.

Ozone is biologically powerful and can do great harm as well as benefit. It should only be used under the supervision of an experienced medical professional.

Please see the attached video on Ozone.